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District News
The mission of Polk County Schools is to help each child acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to become productive citizens.

Learning for a Lifetime
Laura Barnett
Technology Supervisor
Student Data Systems Admin
423-299-0471 ext 7010
Wilma Jean Pippenger
School Health Coordinator
423-299-0471 ext 7012
Treva Hyatt
Finance Director
423-299-0471 ext 7007
Jill Nix
Food Services Director
423-299-0471 ext 7009
Frances Bramblett
Supervisor of Special Education School Safety
423-299-0471 ext 5009
Tommy Frazier
Attendance Supervisor
Homeschool Coordinator
423-299-0471 ext 5009
Charles McClure
Transportation Supervisor
423-299-0471 ext 7001
Amy McNelley
Accounts Payable
423-299-0471 ext 7003
Zach Swafford
Supervisor of Assessment
PreK Coordinator
Human Resources/Licensing
423-299-0471 ext 7020
Lynnette Lamb
Administrative Assistant
Board Secretary
423-299-0471 ext 7001
Will Hatcher
Chief Cybersecurity Officer
Network Admin
423-299-0471 ext 7005
Regina Boyd
Payroll and Benefits Coordinator
423-299-0471 ext 7008
Brittney Firestone
Food Services/ Federal Assistant
423-299-0471 ext 7017
District Staff Directory
Dr. James R. Jones
Director of Schools
423-299-0471 ext 7002
Valerie Davis
Supervisor of Elementary Instruction
Federal Projects
423-299-0471 ext 7004
Dr. Jason Bell
Supervisor of Secondary Instruction
TEAM Evaluation
423-299-0471 ext 7015
Dr. Ryan Goodman
CTE Supervisor
Verizon Grant Coordinator
423-299-0471 ext 7019
Deborah Burgess
School Nurse Supervisor
423-299-0471 ext 7018
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