Curriculum & Instruction
Special Education
It is the mission of Polk County Schools to help each child acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to become productive citizens. Below are links to pages to provide you with information relating to curriculum and instruction.
The Polk County School System uses the following textbooks and materials for instruction in English/Language Arts:
Grades K-5 use the textbooks and materials from the state-approved, local approved Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Company.
Grades 6-12 use the textbooks and materials from the state-approved, local approved McGraw Hill Company.
Reading materials, such as stories, poems, excerpts, novels, etc., are taken from these approved materials. Anyone wishing to see copies of these materials can contact your local school office.
Valerie Davis
Supervisor of Elementary Instruction
423-299-0471 ext. 7004
Dr. Jason Bell
Supervisor of Secondary Instruction
423-299-0471 ext. 7015
Frances Bramblett
Supervisor of Special Education
504 Plan Coordinator
School Safety Coordinator
423-299-0471 ext. 7011
Zach Swafford
Supervisor of Assessment
PreK Coordinator
423-299-0471 ext 7020