2024-25 Board Meeting Information
Meeting Schedule, Agendas, Minutes
According to TCA49-2-201: Members of county boards of education shall be residents of and elected from districts of substantially equal population established by resolution of the local legislative body.
The members of the board shall be elected for a term of four (4) years, and may succeed themselves. Members shall be popularly elected on a staggered term basis.
Vacancies occurring on the board shall be filled by the local legislative body. All elections for school board members shall be conducted on a nonpartisan basis, and no person seeking a position on a board shall campaign as the nominee or representative of any political party.
Polk County Board of Education consists of 10 members.

Polk County Board Policy Online is available HERE
To view policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability, please click here.
District Board Members
Polk County Schools will educate and care for the whole child (students).
Polk County Schools will seek to provide the best academics for ALL students.
Polk County Schools will look to hire and retain the best educators for our students.
Polk County Schools will seek to be responsible in spending the funding provided by our citizens through our local, state, and federal governments.
Polk County Schools will begin a building program for current and future students.
Polk County Schools will put the utmost importance on the every day safety of our students and employees.
Polk County Schools will continue to improve on community relationships.
For assistance with contacting board members please call Lynnette Lamb at the Central Office 423-299-0471